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Epithalon (Anti-Aging) 10mg/vial – Apoxar



What is it: Apoxar Epithalon is a synthetic peptide that regulates the pineal gland’s activity, boosts the production of telomerase, and has anti-aging properties

Used for: Slowing down the aging process, promoting new cell growth, prolonging cell lifetime, and acting as a potent antioxidant.

How to use: The cycle should last approximately 20 days, with a dosage range of 5-10mg per day. Each cycle should be followed by at least a 4-month break.


Apoxar Epithalon is a synthetic peptide with proven anti-aging properties and extra benefits for athletes. Structure-wise, it’s a string of amino acids that regulates the activity of the pineal gland and boosts the production of telomerase — the crucial part of the DNA.

In addition to anti-aging, it’s believed to increase muscle mass, improve recovery time, and reduce the risk of injury. However, you should know that the peptide is still in the trials phase and you should not expect it to provide any steroid-like results, it’s significantly weaker than the majority of hormonal anabolic compounds.

Finally, the most practical effect of Epithalon is its ability to improve sleep quality. The peptide boosts additional secretion of Melatonin, the natural hormone that is responsible for stress reduction and sleep cycles.

Epithalon by Apoxar slows down the aging processes that occur in the human body naturally. The compound is capable of:

  • Promoting new cell growth;
  • Prolonging the cell’s lifetime;
  • And acting as a potent antioxidant.
In the end of the cycle, the result should be: overall improved well-being, faster healing of injuries, and reduced risks of development of a wide spectrum of age-related diseases. It’s close to HGH in its effects, but weaker and safer.

Epithalon by Apoxar, by its nature, causes quick tolerance. To let the effects occur fully, the cycle should last for approximately 20 days, and each cycle shall be followed by at least a 4-months break. The dosage may vary depending on your stats, even though the generally accepted range is 5 to 10 mg per day. Within that range — start at a lower point and raise it according to the effects, week by week. You can stack Epithalon with other peptides, including the GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, but it’s perfectly capable of delivering the effects solo. And since it’s not an anabolic steroid, it requires no PCT, no aromatase inhibitors, and no hCG on cycle.

The peptide used to be a one-man invention of a Soviet scientist Vladimir Khavinson, who dedicated over 30 years to research of the compound. Nowadays the compound is significantly more popular in the United States. Epithalon is still being thoroughly researched for extra benefits, but it’s already capable of the effects attributed previously only to Human Growth Hormone and growth hormone releasing peptides, like GHRP-2 and GHRP-6. Apoxar is one of the few manufacturers in Canada known to provide third-party quality certificates on its products, including Epithalon.

You're viewing: Epithalon (Anti-Aging) 10mg/vial – Apoxar $40.00
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