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Nolvadex – Tamoxifen (Anti-estrogen, PCT) 20mg/50tabs – Apoxar



What is it: Nolvadex by Apoxar is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) also known as Tamoxifen.

Used for: PCT compound to restore natural testosterone production after an anabolic steroid cycle and prevent negative side effects.

How to use: Take 20 to 40mg of Nolvadex per day for 2 to 4 weeks right after the cycle. The exact dosage and duration should be determined by the type and duration of the steroid cycle.


Nolvadex by Apoxar, also known as Tamoxifen, is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). It’s commonly used as a PCT compound to restore natural testosterone production after an anabolic steroid cycle. 

Nolvadex has a relatively simple mechanism of action: it acts by binding to estrogen receptors in the body. It prevents estrogen from performing its functions and potentially causing negative side effects. As a result, you get less discomfort while your body slowly raises the natural production of testosterone back to the normal level.

Nolvadex by Apoxar has numerous benefits as a PCT compound. Among the most prominent:

  • It helps to restore natural testosterone production while suppressing the excessive estrogen in the body;
  • Prevents gynecomastia development (a condition where breast tissue develops in men due to a hormonal imbalance);
  • Can help with lowering water retention, a common side effect of anabolic steroid use;
  • May increase the body's ability to burn fat, which can be beneficial for bodybuilders, though it shall not be considered as the compound’s primary effect.

By helping to restore natural testosterone production, Nolvadex can improve recovery time after intense workouts as well.

Nolvadex is not an anabolic steroid and it can not provide muscle growth. Instead, it plays a key role in the post cycle therapy.

A typical protocol is 20 to 40mg per day for 2 or 4 weeks right after the cycle. The exact dosage and duration is supposed to be defined by the type and duration of the steroid cycle.

It is recommended to start with a higher dosage of 40 mg per day and gradually decrease the dosage over the course of the PCT to 20 or, sometimes, as low as 10 mg. We strongly recommend never exceeding the dosage of 40mg per day. 

Consider these factors to define your Nolvadex dosage on PCT:

  1. The cycle duration;
  2. Potency of the compounds in your cycle (Oxandrolone would be considered mild, Trenbolone Acetate — exceptionally strong);
  3. The doses of the compounds in your cycle (for instance, 250 mg of Testosterone would be considered a mild dose, and 500 mg of Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) would be a high dose);
  4. Your age, experience, and other personal factors.

Depending on the answers, aim at doses of 40 mg, 20 or 10 mg every day for 2 to 4 weeks until your PCT is over.

Nolvadex is often misidentified as a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). It belongs to a completely different class of substances called selective estrogen receptor modulators, SERMs. Even though SARM and SERM may sound alike, especially when you’re new to it, it’s important to understand the difference. 

Athletes of the past decades never took PCT and suffered more of the unpleasant side effects of low testosterone and elevated estrogen. Nowadays Nolvadex is often referred to as a must-have compound after any serious anabolic steroid cycle.

Nolva is NOT a universal solution. As it interacts with prolactin, it’s not a good option after progestogenic compounds like Trenbolone, In this case, Clomid is a much better PCT option.

Apoxar products, including Nolvadex, are among the few on the Canadian domestic market that have a third party independent quality check certification.

nolvadex apoxar tabs
You're viewing: Nolvadex – Tamoxifen (Anti-estrogen, PCT) 20mg/50tabs – Apoxar $70.00
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